Total weight loss since day 1: 1 stone 9 lb
Smoothie Feast: Day 3 of 60
Day 57 since my change in lifestyle...and 57 days remaining of my smoothie feast!
Woke with a slight headache this morning but after being out with the dogs in the fresh air and sunshine, it lifted.
Had a busy morning as I had to deal with funcionarios again and the frustrating, corrupt bureaucracy of the Spanish governmental system. Anyway I got through the morning. but after this week I totally understand why expats get fed up with Spain and go back to their own countries.
I do like living in Spain most of the time, but sometimes I do want to pack it all in and move somewhere else...and one day I will but not back to the UK.
So...smoothie of the day: 2 bananas, 2 oranges, a tsp carob powder and water.
Rating: 5 out of 5
The bananas give this smoothie a real creamy texture, whilst the combination of orange and carob gives it that 'chocolate-orange' taste and a real lift for the morning...and I needed it today!
Laura also enjoying the smoothie of the day
My partner Laura's gotten involved in my smoothie feast and has noticed amazing results already...she teaches English at a local school and has a high level of energy throughout the lessons...when the adult classes go on until 9 pm, the students are pepped up by Laura who still has plenty of energy to go around!
At the end of day 3, I'm feeling a bit detoxy, have a slight headache again and a bit snively, like I've got a cold coming, but my body feels good...I just need to exchange my head!
So far this smoothie feast has given me so much energy and I've got more time to do things which is great.
Coming up to the weekend will be my first test...but my resolve won't give, after all, I've only got another 57 days to go!
Hasta pronto
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