Monday, 24 February 2014

Day 55

Weight: 13 stone 8 lb

Total weight loss since day 1: 1 stone 7 lb

Smoothie Feast: Day 1 of 60

Started my smoothie feast today but the first thing I had to do was go off to the supermarket and stock up for the week. I've made myself a 7 day smoothie menu where I can have a different smoothie every day for the forthcoming week.

Today I made myself half a piel de sapo melon with a bunch of fresh parsley, chucked into the Blendtec and whizzed up. This tasted refreshing, it quenched my thirst and made my mouth taste clean and fresh. I give it a rating of 4 out of 5.

Piel de sapo melon and parsley smoothie

The piel de sapo melon originated in Spain where it is widely grown. It is similar to a cantaloupe melon on the inside and it's a source of vitamin C and dietary fibre, it's low in calories and sodium...and  contains neither fat nor cholesterol.

Parsley is a source of flavanoid, antioxidant, apigenin, folic acid, vitamins K, C and A.

For lunch I had a banana and carob powder smoothie and for dinner I had a smoothie consisting of 2 bananas, 2 apples, 4 dates and a couple of chard leaves. This dinner smoothie was very filling and satisfying. 

I'm only going to rate one smoothie and they are going to be ones that I haven't made before, as all of my smoothies tend to consist of bananas and some sort of I'm trying to be more adventuresome and make totally different smoothies.

I've been feeling a little bit wiped out today and I have a slight headache now. I've also been feeling a bit mucousy so I hope I'll have a good night's sleep and wake up feeling better.

Day 1 went's amazing how much more time I have for myself without having to think about what I'm going to prepare for meals. I've got my menu for the week so I just bung the ingredients into the blender and I'm made simple (and it saves on the washing up!)

Hasta pronto

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