Sunday, 23 February 2014

Day 54

Weight: 13 stone 8 lb

Added: 1 lb

Total weight loss since day 1: 1 stone 7 lb

Today I decided to not focus on my eating but got stuck into building a frame to protect one of my raised beds with my lettuce, spinach and chard growing in them. Having cats, dogs and chickens like I do, any veg that I have growing needs to be protected, as the cats like to use the raise beds as a toilet, the dogs will just run all over it and the chickens will eat all the new leaves coming through. Plus, I forgot to tell you, we also have wild rabbits in the garden. 

When we first moved in, the garden was teeming with rabbits but having 6 cats, the rabbit population soon decreased... along with the mouse and rat population according to my landlord, who lives opposite (my cats are always in his garden). 

Ok, back to the frame I was building. I could have gone the easy route and bought all the correct material, but no, I thought I would use what I had in the store room. The main part of the frame is made out of cane (which grows in my garden) which I fixed together with wire. Then I went ahead and used some metal polls which had holes in the side that made it easier to fix to the cane which gave me a nice box frame. I also used the greatest invention in the whole world…duct tape which helped give the frame extra support. 

I covered it with chicken wire (I have loads of that stuff) and tied it on with snappy ties or twisters, you know that white thing you twist to stop your bread falling out of the packet... and they tend to breed because you always find one on the kitchen floor or behind something on the kitchen surface or in your kitchen drawer because you picked one up and you didn’t know what to do with the little blighter so you just threw it in there...well I have stacks so I put them to good use. 
I will have to make another frame for the other bed but next time I'll go out and buy the proper wood and nails… a lot easier believe me! 

I admit I ate cooked for today (all vegan if that helps) as I will be starting my smoothie feast tomorrow. I need to get organised if I'm going to do this and I just was not organised enough or had enough of the correct ingredients to start. I have written out a smoothie menu for the next 7 days and I will source all the ingredients tomorrow so I'm all set for the week. I have a different smoothie for every day as to keep things interesting. I will take a photo of each smoothie (some will be more interesting than others, I hope) and give you a list of ingredients with ratio. I will rate them 1 to 5, with a score of 5 being the best and 1 being “I need to hold my nose and try not to gag for this one.” Well I'm sure there wont be too many of no.1's! 

I'm looking forward to starting as this will open up a whole new world of experiences for me. For the next 60 days my mantra will be “for Christ sake Shell just stick to the bloody smoothies”. I know I can do it...

Hasta pronto.

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