Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Day 28

Weight: 13 stone 13 lb

Total weight loss since day 1: 1 stone 2 lb

No change on the weight front, staying put for now at 13 stone 13 lb...but I'm sure tomorrow that a pound would have shifted.

Went off to the I.T.V. centre this morning (Spanish M.O.T. centre) and guess what, my car only failed! However, not too much of a disaster as I was picked up on two small details: hand brake needs tightening and centre back seat belt is not as 'smooth' as the other two! 

I will be sorting these issues out at my local garage tomorrow morning so that I can return to the I.T.V. centre again to get my stamp & sticker for another year of safe driving. 

My local mechanic very kindly advised me not to go to the Malaga City I.T.V. centre, but next time drive 50 mins to another ITV centre in San Pedro (past Marbella) where they are more relaxed and so more chance of passing first time! Great!

Came back and had my usual breakfast of chard and banana green smoothie, then went off to the gym. Again I had a lot of energy and an excellent workout.

Red grapefruit for lunch and some flax crackers with sliced tomato and raw hummus and later I had my signature large salad at dinnertime.

Driving back home tonight I saw something very exciting that I haven't seen before...a Genet (related to cats but more closely related to mongooses).  It was trying to cross the road and I saw it in my headlight beam and thought, 'what the heck is that?!' I got home and sent a photo to a friend of mine who is an expert on the flora and fauna of Andalucia. Immediately she told me what it was, so now I have been enlightened.

Apparently the genet was first brought to the Mediterranean region as a domestic animal approximately 1000 to 1500 years ago from Algeria, and from there, spread throughout southwestern Europe. We live near large olive groves and this is one of their favourite habitats. 

Common Genet

So, after all this excitement I'm off to bed knowing I'm a little wiser and hopefully a little lighter tomorrow.

Hasta pronto

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