Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Day 62

Weight: 13 stone 3 lb

Lost: 1 lb

Total weight loss since day 1: 1 stone 12 lb

Smoothie Feast: Day 8 of 60

Now I'm back down to 13 stone 3 lb, which I was at the end of last month, it feels good to be back on smoothies and heading in the right direction again!

Smoothie of the Day:

Handful spinach, 1/4 of a pineapple, 6 strawberries and water

Rating: 3 out of 5

I expected this smoothie to either be green in colour, or red in colour...but in actual fact, it turned out to be brown (which I thought was quite odd). So, I've just checked on the internet, that if you do mix the colours green, yellow and red together, you get brown....not so weird after all, mystery solved. 

It wasn't aesthetically pleasing and I was disappointed with the taste...I won't be making that one again.

Maybe I should use a paint colour chart, to make sure I don't get any more brown smoothies, as brown is sooo not my colour, except when I'm getting a tan in the summer!

Had a wicked workout at the gym, I'm getting so much fitter and stronger...I feel my body is starting to tighten up. Even my butt is shrinking a bit!

I'm going to make some hemp milk tomorrow, as I haven't tried that before...and I'm going to put it into one of my smoothies. 

I could make a piƱa colada, with pineapple, hemp milk and shredded coconut...I just made this up, who know s what it will taste like, I'll let you know tomorrow.

Hasta pronto

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